Patient Enrolment Information
Thank you for choosing to be enrolled with our Practice, which is part of a Primary Health Organisation (PHO), called Auckland PHO. Your Government healthcare subsidy is paid to the Practice where you have chosen to enrol.
What Are PHOs?
PHO is a group of primary health care providers (doctors, nurses and other trained professionals) responsible for organising and delivering primary health care to meet the needs of all the people enrolled with them. PHOs receive funding from the Government to subsidise a range of health services such as providing care and treatment when people are ill and help people to maintain their health and wellbeing.
What Does Enrolment Mean?
It means you wish to receive most of your ongoing healthcare at Cairnhill Health Centre and together, we plan to meet your health needs. You can only be enrolled with one Practice.
For further information about enrolling with a PHO, refer to the Ministry of Health publication, “Enrolling with a Primary Health Organisation – Answering your Questions” Benefits of enrolling?
What happens if I go to another General Practice?
You can go to another general practice or change to a new general practice at any time. If you are enrolled in a PHO through one general practice and visit another practice as a casual patient you will pay a higher fee for that visit.
What happens if the General Practice changes to a new PHO?
If the general practice changes to a new PHO the practice will make the information available to you.
What happens if I am enrolled in a general practice but I don’t see them very often?
If you have not received services from your general practitioner in a three (3) year period and you are not able to be contacted and do not respond, your name will be made casual on the practice register.
Please note: You will not be removed from the practice register but you will be removed from the PHO register.
How do I know if I’m eligible for publicly funded health and disability services?
You can call 0800 855 151, or visit and work through the Guide to Eligibility Criteria.
Health Information Privacy Statement
For information on how we handle your Health Information please refer to our Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions about your enrolment, please ask at Reception.