If you have a cough, cold, runny nose or sore throat, masks are recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I...

  • Book a nurse appointment

    Our nurse appointments are not available to book online on Health365 because the length of time required for a nurse appointment varies depending on the service required.

    To book


    Include patient name, date of birth, service required and some options for day and time.

    We will contact you to book your appointment

    Phone Reception on 09 630 9507

  • View test results

    You can view most lab results on our patient portal, Health365, or contact the nurse to check results.

    Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for blood test results to be returned, though some tests may take longer.

    To discuss results in detail please make an appointment with your doctor.

    We do not notify you if your results are normal.

    If your results are abnormal or require some action we will contact you. If your symptoms continue and you have not been contacted, please contact us.

    The results of scans and tests arranged by hospitals and specialists go to the ordering specialist and are not usually available to us or visible on Health365.

    The specialist who orders these tests is the usual point of contact for the result.

  • Pay an invoice

    Payment is required at the time of consultation and prompt payment helps us to keep our fees down.

    Payment can be made to our bank account.

    Account Name: Cairnhill Health Centre

    Account Number: 03 0195 0072660 00

    Please use the invoice number as the reference.

    We can also take credit card payment by phone. Please call Reception 09 630 9507.

    An overdue account fee of $10 per month will be applied to outstanding accounts.

  • Order Repeat Prescription

    If you are on regular medication and your condition is controlled you can generally request repeat prescriptions without seeing your doctor.

    Repeat prescriptions are at the doctor’s discretion and a review may be necessary.

    Request your prescription via Health365 or by emailing practicenurse@cairnhill.co.nz.

    When emailing please include your

    • full name
    • date of birth
    • the medication you require
    • the pharmacy you would like your prescription sent to.

    Your prescription will be sent to the pharmacy or can be collected from the clinic.

    You will usually be notified by text when your prescription has been sent to your pharmacy.

    We will send an invoice by text message or email.

    Please allow at least 24 hours for a repeat prescription to be processed.


  • I’m not enrolled. Can I see a doctor?

    We prioritise available appointments for our enrolled patients. We are happy to see patients who are not eligible to enrol. Phone Reception on 09 630 9507 to discuss your options.